Back in the Swing of Things

Hello there! How are you? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

I decided to dust off this blog again because I have some exciting things coming down the pike. I’ve been doing some exciting things since last updating this page, but have only been documenting on Facebook for friends. Recently, a friend reading my updates suggested that I move it over to a blog, so I am updating again. (Thanks for the encouragement, Greg!)

So, what exciting things have I been doing since 2016? A whole bunch!

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Everything’s Just Duckie

Yes, it has been a while since I posted. No, I am not dead. I just got sidetracked by life. Not necessarily in a bad way, just got involved in other things and not blogging. But the weather is nice here in Maryland and there are some great positive changes coming down the track for me.

Expect some new posts and gardening geekery in this space soon!

Springtime for Duckie

Wow, it has been a long time since I updated this page. There are two very good reasons; one is that I have not been doing much home improvement. The other is that I was terribly depressed for the last few months, which contributed a lot to the first reason.

A lot has happened since the last time I posted. I changed jobs. I left a long-term relationship, which started the fall into depression. I had personal issues over Christmas that ruined the holiday for me and made matters worse. Then Maryland had a horrible winter, which made it hard to do anything. The lack of warmth and light caused the depression to get worse, and I hardly cleaned my house, let alone made improvements on it.

Spring has a magical effect on me. As the days grew longer, I started coming out of it. I started becoming more active. I started new relationships. The creative juices started flowing again and along with it, the will to get up and move around and do stuff again. And boy, have I been busy! I have so much to update you all on! Lots of exciting plant-related news. Lots of plans for the back yard, as it is my area of focus this season. Some indoor plans as well.

Stay tuned for more posts soon!

Midnight Musings

I am a part-time insomniac. Sometimes, I cannot sleep no matter how hard I try. Not only that, but I get a burst of energy and want to do things normal people would not at 3:00 am. Usually, this is the urge to clean. What is great about living in a detached home is that I can finally let some of that energy loose and vacuum, clean and launder to my heart’s content.

So far, I have done a load of laundry, vacuumed and mopped the bathroom floor, vacuumed the steps, did the dishes and sorted out some stuff and put it on shelves. And its 4:30 am. I feel so happy that I can, because it is my house and I can do whatever I damn please!

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Welcome to the Duckpond!

I am not a blogger. This is my first attempt at writing for the world to see, unless you count some whiny and depressed rants posted on DeadJournal nearly a decade ago.

So why, you ask, are you starting now? Because I bought a house. I closed on my first home on October 11, 2013 and amid chaos filled with cardboard boxes and doors that don’t quite close right, I decided that I want to document the changes I will make to this house to make it truly my home.  Continue reading